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Mapping Our Past for All to Share

The Historic Mapping Congress is a community of individuals with different experience and knowledge that share a common passion of our past. Anyone who shares that interest in history as expressed and discovered through maps is encouraged to join us as we look at ways of building a cooperative network to extend the body of knowledge regarding history by locating the places and traces of those who forged our world. Our goal is to develop a community of individuals who share a common interest in history and to specifically develop a spatial database for use by citizens and professionals alike to accomplish the following goals to:

1. Identify, preserve, and protect our vanishing historic resources.

2. Facilitate the collection, organization, storage, retrieval, and validation of historic location data.

3. Build community by applying technology through social networks, mobile technology, and geographic information systems as well as old fashion “boots on the ground” to help develop an accessible and interactive database of knowledge to share with the public.

4. Make customizable, interactive maps available to describe historic landscapes, roadways, trails, pathways, and places.

Interactive Mapping Resource

The Historic Mapping Congress is developing an interactive mapping resource that uses crowdsourcing to record and access information about historic sites and roads.

To accomplish this goal, the Congress is building a repository of geographic data which will include previously unknown locations and roads. 

The Congress

The Historic Mapping Congress focuses largely on historic maps and sites connected with the backcountry of North and South Carolina during the pre-revolutionary era and the Revolutionary War. Meetings of the Congress take place annually in the fall in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Historic Mapping Congress is a non-profit organization.



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HMC Board Meeting
February 8, 2024, 9-10am


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